adidas running lab w/, 2019
Role: Art Direction, 3D Design

An interactive installation in physical stores located in London and Beijing, designed for runners to enjoy unique and real-time running experiences. The installation incorporates data sets of photographs, graphics, and typographic elements from the respective cities, which are then used to create 3D scenes through which the runner will pass. 
Each run generates different textures for each object in the scene, making every run a unique experience. The London route takes runners from Hackney to St. Pauls through Brixton, while the Beijing route goes from the grandeur of the Forbidden City to the street scenes of the Imperial Academy and Wudaoying. 
The experience was developed in Unity. The aesthetics were defined with style frames made in Houdini.

Executive Creative Director: Marcus Wendt 
Creative Director: Paul Brenner
Technical Director: Claus Helfenschneider
Producer: Alice Shaughnessy, Stefanie Greimel
Visual Artist: Julien Bauzin, Nico Le Dren, Margot Hofmans, Louise Silfversparre, Anton Bohlin, John Lee Siebert
Developer: VanTa
Sound Design: KlingKlangKlong
Screenshots of the experience
Designing a scene in the custom-made software
Initial Styleframes
Final documentation video